Take Courage

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'Courage' is an invitation to trust the Lord fully, says Washington, DC-based friar Christine Rousselle Sun, August 13, 2023 at 7:30 AM EDT·3 min read "At once [Jesus] spoke to them, "Take courage, it is I; do not be afraid" (Matthew 14:27). This verse comes from the Gospel of Matthew, which is one of the three synoptic Gospels in the New Testament of the Bible. Not much is known about St. Matthew, who is credited with writing the Gospel of Matthew, says Christian website Overviewbible.com. When Matthew was called by Jesus to be one of his disciples, he was employed as a publican, or tax collector — a "reviled profession" at the time. And though he's one of the authors of the Gospels, "there…

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Why I no longer use Transgender Pronouns—and Why You shouldn’t, either.

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Rosaria Butterfield https://www.reformation21.org/blog/why-i-no-longer-use-transgender-pronouns-and-why-you-shouldnt-either?fbclid=IwAR3-utWdz2cvxNRKSU8UDxnN11913fMUztPxe-j-XQ6S15GofchAz7cSCS8  April 3, 2023 A civil war erupted within broad evangelicalism, and the idol of LGBTQ+ is dividing the house. This issue is personal, political, and spiritual for me.  In 1998, I became one of the first crop of so-called “tenured radicals” in American universities, proudly touting my lesbian street cred. In 1999, Christ called me to repentance and belief, and I became a despised defector of the LGBTQ+ movement. But progressive sanctification came slowly, and I have failed many times during these past decades. After I have learned lessons, I have earnestly tried to course-correct. And that’s the problem. My use of transgendered pronouns was not a mistake; it was sin. Public sin requires public repentance, not course correction.…

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Behaviors are symptoms

  Today is called the Trans Day of Visibility. I didn’t know this until this morning when I saw it on my Yahoo homepage. Along with this, or more accurately as a result of this, there were many stories regarding the “T” in LGBTQ+. A couple of the stories were of those who identify as Trans and how freeing it was to finally be “honest” about who they are. They went on to describe how they live lives that are similar if not exactly like the rest of society, but for the fact that they identify as Trans. A couple other stories where about laws in several states that have passed or are attempting to be passed that are identified by the…

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The Charismatic Movement; a perfect storm of unsound teachings, abusive practices, and emotional roadshow gone amok.

The following piece was posted by Kenneth Tanner on his Facebook page a few days ago. I am reposting it here, with his permission. Having had some experience in the Charismatic Movement some decades ago (though not born into it as was Mr. Tanner), reading the following Facebook post really resonated with some of what I saw and experienced. "I was born into a family of multi-generational Southern Pentecostals and while it got wild now and then its embodied wisdom and beauty—present especially in its music, hospitality, elderly saints, and prayer—impresses itself on my heart more and more even decades down the road. At 12, I was drug from the joy, fervency, and occasional theatrics of my childhood religion—against my will, I…

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How Do You Have a Woman’s College If You Do Not Know What a Woman Is?

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The American academic landscape includes many different kinds of institutions. You've got vast private universities, you've got the big state funded universities, you have land grant universities, you have small colleges, community colleges, private colleges. You also have the so-called Seven Sisters. The Seven Sisters are a system of very elite women's colleges in the United States. It's actually a very interesting history, and what's going on right now means that all seven of the Seven Sisters are really at the center of a massive controversy. Because the Seven Sisters are very liberal sisters as you think about these liberal arts colleges, and they're doing their dead level best with very liberal faculty and probably even more exceedingly liberal students to keep…

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Hey Christians, get out and stay out!

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https://wng.org/opinions/hey-christians-get-out-and-stay-out-1678879969?fbclid=IwAR3RaFnw7IlZBM6bvTydVe15_kByg1vvOG8-6oQLLgChwukcusMGtU2ZTrQ An Arizona school district gives the boot to student teachers from a Christian college. Our society is growing increasingly secular and increasingly hostile to Christian conviction. Anyone who doubts that mounting hostility should look to Arizona, where one of the state’s largest public school districts has just voted to show student teachers from a Christian college the door. Now Arizona finds itself ground zero in a religious liberty dispute that could have nationwide implications. With equal urgency, this case reveals the contours of the challenge soon to be faced by every Christian college that dares to be Christian in any convictional sense. It all started with some routine paperwork, filed for the Washington Elementary School District’s Feb. 28 school board meeting.…

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Pay Attention!

At our good Friday service, we briefly looked at the Last Supper narrative. Here we have Jesus, among other things, telling his disciples that one of them will betray Him this very day. “Truly, truly, I say to you, that one of you will betray Me.” That statement alone would have been an attention getter. “The disciples began looking at one another, at a loss to know of which one He was speaking.” Ok, so they definitely were all ears now. They hear His declaration of the betrayal. It was clear that they were all paying attention to the subject at hand. They were no longer distracted by other conversations that were taking place at the table. “There was reclining on Jesus’ bosom one of His disciples, whom Jesus loved.  So, Simon…

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Love Your Neighbor Enough to Speak Truth

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A Response to Jen Hatmaker OCTOBER 31, 2016 | Rosaria Butterfield https://www.thegospelcoalition.org/article/love-your-neighbor-enough-to-speak-truth/ If this were 1999—the year that I was converted and walked away from the woman and lesbian community I loved—instead of 2016, Jen Hatmaker’s words about the holiness of LGBT relationships would have flooded into my world like a balm of Gilead. How amazing it would have been to have someone as radiant, knowledgeable, humble, kind, and funny as Jen saying out loud what my heart was shouting: Yes, I can have Jesus and my girlfriend. Yes, I can flourish both in my tenured academic discipline (queer theory and English literature and culture) and in my church. My emotional vertigo could find normal once again. Maybe I wouldn’t need to lose everything to have Jesus. Maybe the…

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Parenting; an intellectual desert (continued)

I grew up in an “independent / fundamental” Baptist Church. There was a huge list of “dos” and “don’ts” that was our primary understanding of life. Our world view was to grudgingly hold to this list for fear of offending God and being sent to hell. Of course, in our own delusion, we lived as if it wasn’t so much wrong to do these things as it was to get caught. The “don’ts” were basically: no dancing, no going to the movies, no smoking, no playing cards (except for the game, Rook. For some reason this card game escaped the condemnation of the “fundys”), certainly no sex before marriage, no gambling, no sports on Sunday, and probably a few more that I…

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Parenting; an intellectual desert.

What is the goal of parenting? I think to put it in a very condensed nutshell; it is to “train a child up in the way they should go.” Of course, that’s the easy part; defining the goal. Now, application, methodology, etc., this is what all the books have been written about. It seems to me that to some extent, most authors have approached the subject from an outcome based perspective rather than what I would consider a more biblical, obedience based approach. What do I mean by this distinction? An outcome-based perspective would simply be to find what works and go with it. However, the Scripture spells out very clearly that we are to live in obedience, and while our obedience…

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