…with Gentleness and Reverence.

It appears to be contrary to our nature to invite criticism. I know I don’t like it when someone points out an apparent or potential flaw in my thinking. None of us want to think that we may be wrong. In fact, we go to great lengths to protect our perceived ‘rightness”. Of course, this may be one of the great ironies of the day. Over the past several months I’ve had an ongoing conversation with a friend..  Our conversation (carried out on line, through email and Facebook) can get pretty contentious at times but usually ends (for the time being) with a smiley face or a light-hearted bit of humor. This is, of course, necessary to express the emotion that is…

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What do you mean?

As is often the case for me, I was inspired to write this after reading the following article: http://www.huffingtonpost.com/steve-siebold/pennsylvania-pastor-wrongly-suspended_b_4310212.html?ncid=txtlnkusaolp00000592 I would encourage you to read the article to give a fuller context to the rest of this article. Words have meanings. And though there was never a time in history when we all agreed on the meaning of all words or statements, there has never been a time in my lifetime that “meanings” have been so diverse. The statement below is a great example. The article above is about a United Methodist minister from Pennsylvania who had been suspended from the church for 30 days after performing a marriage ceremony for his son to another man. There are three statements that I…

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The Sin That So Easily Besets

The Sin That So Easily Besets One of the arguments I have heard regarding the normalcy of homosexuality from both the more general public to Christians to atheists and everyone in between is that “they” were born this way and didn’t have a choice. My initial response to that was negative, given that God calls homosexuality sin, why would someone be born that way. Certainly, God wouldn’t create a being with a desire that is contrary to his ordered way. Yet, many say they have been same-sex attracted for as long as they can remember. The argument from the “other side” is mostly that it is environmental. Exposure at a young age to homosexually erotic material, sexual abuse, peer pressure, are said…

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