
One of the more recent conversations I’ve had with a person who is hostile to Christianity (actually hostile to all religion) got me thinking about a most common practice among both those hostile to the faith and those of the faith. That is looking to something or someone other than Christ/Christianity to form their view OF Christianity.

This person frequently pointed to the occurrences of January 6th this year, the scandals that involved those professing to be Christian, the President voted for by many who identify as Evangelical Christians, as well as those passages in the Old Testament that would be seen to be contrary to the teachings of Christianity, as well as those who teach a different Gospel but identify as Christian.

One of the great mistakes that man makes and that Satan uses to his advantage is that when it comes to Christianity, specifically, man looks at those who profess Christ rather than looking at Christ and Christianity itself. By doing this, he gets a great misunderstanding/misrepresentation of Christ/Christianity. Those without and within the faith would benefit greatly by taking time to look at Christ/Christianity alone. Many today talk about “extreme” or “radical”, this or that. There is no such thing in Christianity. There is no extreme or radical Christianity. There is only Christianity. I use the word “only” not to belittle or lessen the importance of or power of what God has given us in His Son, rather as an identifier. What is the essence of Christianity?

I’m not a theologian or particularly deep thinker, rather just one who is aware of the nature of man to recreate virtually everything in life in his own image. Though we would never say so out loud, the way we live life would indicate our tendency to trust our own feelings and judgements more than what God has given us to live by. While there are plenty of “mysteries” found in the Bible, those things which sincere, well meaning, and genuine born-again Christians will debate until Christ comes, the tenets and teachings of Christianity are not that complicated. It is not necessary to have a formal education in theology to get its essence. What it does take is a desire to know what God wants and be willing to set aside our fallen inclinations.

A verse that I have held on to as a reminder of this is Isaiah 55:8. “For My thoughts are not your thoughts, Nor are your ways My ways,” declares the Lord.” I have mentioned this is several pieces I’ve written and am drawn back to it frequently when considering other subjects. As with many, it is appropriate here.

As to the definition of Christianity, it’s simple. The root of the word is “Christ”. He is the center. “ian” indicates a sort of citizenship, as in Michiganian, to “live in” Michigan. A Christian is one who identifies as a “citizen” of Christ. The misunderstanding here is to equate what “is” Christianity and “who” is a Christian. A person living Christianly or not is irrelevant to what Christianity is. Christianity teaches “A”. “A” is what Christianity is. If a person doesn’t adhere to or practice “A”, it in no way affects what “A” is. So, when I say that there is no “extreme” or “radical” Christianity, I’m simply saying that there is a definition that “is” Christianity, regardless of people putting other adjectives to it. “A” is “A”. “A+” or “A-” is “A+” or “A-” not “A”.

Where do we find what Christianity teaches? The New Testament of the Christian Bible. That is not to say the Old Testament is by any means less authoritative or important in knowing God and life. It is just that, when speaking of Christianity (specifically), it started with Jesus. Actually, it started with the resurrection of Jesus, without which, there is no Christianity. So, we sort of have to work backwards from that day.

Nonetheless, when discussing the faith with the person who is hostile or even just curious, we point to Jesus and the New Testament. We set aside our politics, our preferences, our inclinations. We needn’t be fearful or defensive. We need only point them to Christ. Stand firm in what the Bible says. Speak in a manner that is clear stated in I Peter 3:15 “… with gentleness and respect.” The rest, the results, are in God’s hands.

We are to have the same mindset that the Apostle Paul speaks of in I Corinthians 2:2 “For I determined to know nothing among you except Jesus Christ, and Him crucified.”

To be continued…