What are the Implications?

The more I read and ponder the Scriptures, I am struck by this question. What are the implications of what I’m reading? Am I considering these passages in a way that is more than just cursory? Has my reading of the Scriptures fallen prey to the old saying; “Familiarity breeds contempt?” Probably the first verse that got me thinking in this vein was Isaiah 55:8, “For My thoughts are not your thoughts, nor are your ways My ways, declares the Lord.” To clarify, while I don’t think I have ever, literally, held the words of Scripture with contempt (“the feeling with which a person regards anything considered mean, vile, or worthless; disdain; scorn.) I have definitely not given them the attention and…

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Three Fingers

“For all those who think that God doesn't exist, need deep prayers. How else can you explain life? He's exactly that, life. I know He's alive and well so there, morons” While perusing Facebook this morning I came upon a post from a page called, “Omg Teens ღ”. I have no idea what that symbol means, so if it turns out to be something offensive, you will forgive me. On this page was the implied question regarding the existence of God. As I read the “arguments” for and against, one stood out. That would be the quote above. My first inclination was to ridicule this clearly inarticulate youngster for his lack of couth. But, as is so often the case, when we…

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