Generational Perspective

  I had a conversation with my daughter last night. Entering into a conversation with one of your kids should always be prefaced with a reminder to yourself that you will hear, at least once and possibly multiple times, and not necessarily in these words literally, but certainly it will be communicated, “You’re wrong, Dad" or "Ok Boomer". Fortunately, I have thick skin and I know that any criticism comes from love. Nevertheless… The word perspective came up several times. This is a word that I have referenced in many things I’ve written and on many subjects. It is very important at all times to keep this word and it’s meaning in mind if we are to have any chance of coming…

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The Caricaturing of America

  “The ignorance of conservative white folks is almost too much to bear.” Followed by; “You're blind and ignorant no matter how much education you have!” This was a statement I read on Face Book yesterday. It was categorical. It was definitive. It was all inclusive. There were no qualifiers. There were no percentages. It was blanket. For now, we’ll set aside the arrogance and ignorance (I use the word ignorance literally, not intended to mean stupid) of the statement and concentrate on the broader issue. Unfortunately, this is an all too common mindset found on both sides of most issues. There is little thought of discernment, of considering each individual. It is far easier to lump people into categories. It is…

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Thinking Disorder

Thinking Disorder My pastor made a comment a couple Sundays ago in which he said, “you can’t build a Godly life using human wisdom”. This, of course, raises the question, “How can one build a Godly life?” Given that there is only one other kind of wisdom, we need to look in that direction. This is something I have been pondering and pursuing for quite a few years now. 2 portions of Scripture seem to pop up on a regular basis. Sometimes daily, sometimes less frequently, but reoccurring nonetheless. The first one is I Corinthians 3:18-19. “Do not deceive yourselves. If any of you think you are wise by the standards of this age, you should become “fools” so that you may become wise. For…

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Presupposition: to suppose or assume beforehand; take for granted in advance. I’ve often talked about conversations I’ve had with people online. People of all different beliefs. Relatively recently, I had a conversation with a guy that comes from roughly the same background as me, that being fundamentalist Baptist. He experienced much the same on the negative side of things in that environment that I did. The difference between where he is today and where I am today is the result of what could be described as, “throwing the baby out with the bathwater”. He has gone through a process known as deconstruction. It would take much longer than I care to take here to fully describe what that process is and his current status of belief , so I will just…

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Something I appreciate about modern society is that it is thought provoking to the extreme. When I was young, I had no idea how much thought would be necessary in the future. If it’s true what they say that exercising your brain helps stave off things like dementia and other “old age” problems, I figure I should be the mental equivalent of Arnold Schwarzenegger’s physique, that is to say the physique of his competition days. One of the things that is most prevalent in modern society is what I would call advocacy. Advocacy is defined as: the act of pleading for, supporting, or recommending; active espousal. Of course, we are all advocates of one thing or another. There is nothing wrong with advocating for something or someone. However, the proper place…

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The Conversation

In present day society, when there are two positions on a subject, there is rarely the putting forth of a case for one of the positions. Rather, more often than not, each side denigrates the other or seeks to distort and exaggerate the opposing position. We see this most often and most blatantly in politics, but not politics exclusively. Neither side appears to be interested in an honest exchange of ideas nor do most seem to have the slightest interest in actually understanding the opposing position. Once key words enter the conversation, each side begins broad brushing and caricaturing the other and this turns off the intellectual process of seeing clearly what is being said. Each side writes the other off as…

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The Greatest Sin: Unbelief

The further away one gets from the origin, the more distorted the original gets. We can see this on two primary fronts. First of all, as a nation, established as a constitutionally limited republic, this is evident in the lack of knowledge of, and unwillingness to enforce and continue what the creators of that document (the constitution) said, meant, and intended. Secondly, on the moral front. The sin of man has been consistent from the days of Adam, so don’t get me wrong that I’m suggesting that things are worse now than ever. Not the case. However, speaking about my lifetime (nearly 7 decades), this is the case. We have lost our will to fight the real enemy. Again, the church falls…

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Apprehending God – by A.W.Tozer

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  O taste and see. (Psalm 34:8) It was Canon Holmes, of India, who more than twenty-five years ago called attention to the inferential character of the average man's faith in God. To most people God is an inference, not a reality. He is a deduction from evidence which they consider adequate; but He remains personally unknown to the individual. `He must be,' they say, `therefore we believe He is.' Others do not go even so far as this; they know of Him only by hearsay. They have never bothered to think the matter out for themselves, but have heard about Him from others, and have put belief in Him into the back of their minds along with the various odds and…

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The Concerns of God

Even when Peter chastised Jesus for saying that He was going to suffer and die, and did so out of a kind of innocence/ignorance, Jesus’ response was direct. Of course, Peter’s rebuke was based on what he perceived to be the cause that he was following. It was founded in his wishful thinking. Peter, as I’m sure we could say of most of the other disciples and the throngs of people that followed after Jesus, had his own agenda. He had his own idea of what a “messiah” needed to do. He had his own idea of what they needed to be saved from. He probably looked around himself as we do today and made a judgment call on what the solution…

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Defend or Defensive

"Much of today’s world is dominated by ideologies which, if not totally false, are alien to the gospel of Christ. We may talk of “conquering” the world for Christ, but what sort of “conquest” do we mean? Not a victory of force by arms. Our Christian crusade is far different from the shameful crusades of the Middle Ages. Listen to Paul’s description of the battle. “Our war is not fought with the weapons of flesh, yet they are strong enough, in God’s cause, to demolish fortresses. We demolish sophistries, and the arrogance that tries to resist the knowledge of God; every thought is our prisoner, captured to be brought into obedience to Christ.” This is a battle of ideas, God’s truth overpowering…

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